PDF slides of some of my recent talks.
- High-Performance Computing Research at Leeds (with a focus on Computer Arithmetic). School of Computer Science Research Day, University of Leeds. Jan. 2025.
- MATLAB Simulator of Level-Index Arithmetic. 31st IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). Jun. 2024.
- Monotonicity of Multi-Term Floating-Point Adders. AriC team seminar, ENS Lyon. Apr. 2024.
- Implementation and Standardization of Stochastic Rounding. TARAN team seminar, Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique. Apr. 2024.
- Discussion on Rounding. Standard for Arithmetic Formats for Machine Learning. IEEE P3109 Working Group. Oct. 2023.
- Implementation of Stochastic Rounding. Minisymposium on Stochastic Rounding for Reduced-Precision Arithmetic in Scientific Computing. ICIAM 2023. Tokyo, Japan. Aug. 2023.
- Numerical Features of Low-Precision Mathematical Hardware. Argonne National Lab, Mathematics and Computer Science division, CS Seminar Series. Chicago, IL, US (online). Jun. 2023.
- Stochastic Rounding: Implementation, Error analysis, and Applications. Manchester SIAM-IMA Student Chapter Conference. Manchester, UK. Apr. 2023.
- Monotonicity of Multi-Term Floating-Point Adders. Minisymposium on Mixed Precision Algorithms in Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM CSE23. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Mar. 2023.
- Matrix Multiplication in Multiword Arithmetic: Error Analysis and Application to GPU Tensor Cores. 92nd Annual Meeting of GAMM. RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. Aug. 2022.
- Anymatrix: An Extensible MATLAB Matrix Collection. 7th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. Jun. 2022.
- Numerical Behavior of GPU Matrix Multiple-Accumulate Hardware. Minisymposium on Understanding and Exploiting Mixed-Precision Accelerators for High-Performance Computing. SIAM PP22. Seattle, Washington, US. Feb. 2022 (Virtual).
- Statistinis Apvalinimas ir Nauji Skaičių Formatai Superkompiuteriuose. 10th Lithuania's Young Mathematicians' Meeting (LJMS 2021). Dec. 2021.
- A Trick for an Accurate e−|x| Function in Fixed-Point Arithmetics. 19th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations (SCAN2020). Sep. 2021 (Virtual). MATLAB code.
- Stochastic Rounding: Algorithms and Hardware Accelerator. 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Jul. 2021 (Virtual).
- Numerical Behavior of NVIDIA Tensor Cores. ECP xSDK-multiprecision team meeting. Jul. 2021 (Virtual).
- Algorithms for Stochastically Rounded Elementary Arithmetic Operations in IEEE 754 Floating-Point Arithmetic. 28th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). Jun. 2021 (Virtual).
- Numerical Behaviour of NVIDIA Tensor Cores. Technical talk for Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG). May 2021 (Virtual).
- Algorithms for Stochastically Rounded Elementary Arithmetic Operations in IEEE 754 Floating-Point Arithmetic. Minisymposium on Reduced Precision Arithmetic and Stochastic Rounding (full program). SIAM CSE21. Fort Worth, Texas, US. Mar. 2021 (Virtual).
- Low-Precision Arithmetics and Stochastic Rounding. Talk at the University of Oxford. Jul. 2020 (Virtual).
- Numerical accuracy of the Izhikevich neuron model in fixed-point arithmetic. SpiNNaker Group talk at the University of Manchester. Jul. 2019.
- Energy-accuracy trade-offs in floating-point arithmetic architectures. SpiNNaker Group talk at the University of Manchester. Dec. 2018.
- Some fixed-point arithmetic tricks on SpiNNaker. SpiNNaker Group talk at the University of Manchester. Sep. 2018.
- Approximate Fixed-Point Elementary Function Accelerator for the SpiNNaker-2 Neuromorphic Chip. 25th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). Jun. 2018.
- Results from profiling SpiNNaker-1 and early ideas on SpiNNaker-2 accelerators. SpiNNaker Group talk at the University of Manchester. Apr. 2018.
- Next Generation SpiNNaker Chip Update: Developing Numerical Accelerators. SpiNNaker Group talk at the University of Manchester. Dec. 2017.
- Neuromodulated STDP learning rule on SpiNNaker. SpiNNaker Group talk at the University of Manchester. Aug. 2017.
- Real-Time Garbage Collection for history traces in plasticity algorithms on SpiNNaker. SpiNNaker Group talk at the University of Manchester. Mar. 2017.
- Improving performance of synapse processing in massively parallel neuromorphic systems. Talk for the course Scientific Methods II - Fundamental Aspects of Research Methodology at the University of Manchester. Feb. 2017.