Mantas Mikaitis


School of Computer Science

Sir William Henry Bragg Building

University of Leeds

Woodhouse Lane, Leeds


I am a Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the University of Leeds. Before this I was a Research Associate with the Numerical Linear Algebra Group at the University of Manchester, working with Professor Nicholas J. Higham. I received a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Computer Science in 2016 and a PhD degree in Computer Science in 2020 (supervised by Dr David Lester and Professor Steve Furber), both from the University of Manchester.

My research interests include: computer arithmetic, numerical linear algebra, high-performance computing, mathematical software, performance optimization and benchmarking.

Main programming and software skills: C, MATLAB, Python, CUDA, Verilog, ARM assembly, Git, LaTeX, Bash.

Leeds Mathematical Software and Hardware lab.


  • EPSRC New Investigator Award "Informing Future Numerical Standards by Determining Features of Non-Standard Mathematical Hardware" (2025-2028).

Current PhD students:

I am a member of IEEE 754 and IEEE P3109 floating-point standardization working groups. IEEE P3109 interim report is available.

My .bib file.

Mathematics Genealogy Project entry. Tree (PNG) generated with Geneagrapher.

I am a member of the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club and do my best to keep an example of the x300 (1996) and an example of the x400 (2003) on the road in presentable conditions.


Feb 28, 2025 Invited to Dagstuhl Seminar Reduced and Mixed Precision Computing for Science and Engineering Applications.
Sep 16, 2024 A 3-year Research Fellow position working with me on computer arithmetic is available.
Aug 14, 2024 New preprint Error analysis of matrix multiplication with narrow range floating-point arithmetic (with Theo Mary).